And then she said:
Novembro 22, 2007
And then she said:
" I gave you love."
Then I whispered as I walked away:
" I gave you everything..."
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Novembro 22, 2007
And then she said:
" I gave you love."
Then I whispered as I walked away:
" I gave you everything..."
Novembro 05, 2007
Sinto falta daqueles santuários de silencio e solidão.
Não necessariamente silencio.
Mas apenas a completa ausência da estridente e angustiante voz humana.
Novembro 04, 2007
Conquistei, palmo a pequeno palmo, o terreno interior que nascera meu.
Reclamei, espaço a pequeno espaço, o pântano em que me quedara nulo.
Pari meu ser infinito, mas tirei-me a ferros de mim mesmo.
Fernando Pessoa in O Livro do Desassossego, 1914
Novembro 01, 2007
Even though I'll never need her,
even though she's only giving me pain,
I'll be on my knees to feed her,
spend a day to make her smile again
Even though I'll never need her,
even though she's only giving me pain
As the world is soft around her,
leaving me with nothing to disdain.
Even though I'm not her minder,
even though she doesn't want me around,
I am on my feet to find her,
to make sure that she is safe and sound.
Even though I'm not her minder,
even though she doesn't want me around,
I am on my feet to find her,
to make sure that she is safe from harm.
Kings of Convinience in Versus, 2001
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